
Wednesday 29 February 2012

What is a picnic ?

Romantic Picnic Ideas
Many people ask the question: what is a picnic?  Yes, we all go on a picnic once in a while, but what is it any way?

It can be defined as a pleasure excursion, usually in a beautiful landscape and during which we park a to be eaten outdoors. It is a kind of outing during which we park a meal to be eaten outdoors. We can also say that it is an exquisite social entertainment where everybody present contribute a share of provisions.

If a picnic is what the above definition says it is, what is a romantic picnic? A romantic picnic will thus be defined as an outing that involves taking a parked meal to be eaten outdoors and undertaken by two people who care about each other, are in a relationship or are planning to be in a relationship.

What are the Characteristics of a Romantic Picnic?

Picnics in general and romantic picnics have certain peculiar characteristics. These include:
  • Picnics are generally outdoor activities.
  • Picnics always involved packed meals.
  • Most picnics take place in exquisite or exotic environments such as beaches, lake sides, river banks, hill tops, building tops etc.
  • A company or religious group can organise a picnic for its members.
  • Romantic picnics mostly involves two people who care about each other.
  • Meals can also be prepared during picnics. Most common meals are barbecued meals.
  • Best time for picnics are during a sunny weather such as in the summer or dry seasons.  
Tell us, what is your definition of a picnic? Where do you go for a picnic? Why? What kind of food do you take? Who did you go with? How interesting was your outdoor trip? Share your opinions using using the comment for below. Don't forget to tweet and share this topic with your friends.

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