
Thursday 1 March 2012

Romantic Picnic Food Ideas

Romantic Picnic Food Ideas: The Food Ideas You Need to Organise a Romantic Picnic.

Romantic Picnic Food Ideas
What picnic food should you take along to a romantic picnic for two? It depends when, where and how you want your romantic picnic to look like. It also depends on your partner's food choices and drinks and your ability to provide for these items.

Some questions you need to ask first include: What does he or she like? Is there any food or drink that will make him sick? How much food shall we need while on picnic? Will I be preparing the food myself or will I buy already-made food? When you answer these and more questions, your romantic picnic food ideas will start to become clearer.

Below, we have presented some ideas that you need. Go through these ideas and use them as a guide, while you prepare that picnic you have so much wanted to have.

Picnic Food Friendly Items:

Before you jump into getting your picnic food, remember that you will need the following items that are related to picnic food.

  • Picnic bag, basket or backpack to carry your food.
  • Napkins to clean up after you've eaten
  • Cutlery such as knife, forks, cutting board etc.
  • Trash back to dump waste
  • Glasses to drink and the make the picnic more grand.
  • Sugar, salt pepper, if you need it.

These items and maybe more (depending on your food choices) will be useful.

The food:

A lot of picnic food are light meals.

Romantic Picnic Food Ideas
Sandwiches are a great choice for many people probably because they are easy to prepare and do not easily get bad. You can equally great sandwiches from a sandwich shop. Because you are going on a romantic picnic, try to make your sandwich have a great shape. You can make or order sandwiches in the form of a heart to convey   something to your partner.There are many types of sandwiches to choose from, so, make your choice.

Don't forget to bring along your partner's favourite chocolate. Please, don't bring messy food items unless your brought enough napkins to clean up or if you don't mind if you or your partner are messed up by the messy food. Sometimes, this can add to the fun. Pies, muffins and home-made cakes are great food items to take along to romantic picnics.

Fruits: Should You take along any fruits? Yes. But what kind of fruits should you take? You have a wide range of fruits to choose from and these includes bananas, apples, strawberries, pineapples, just to name a few.

Vegetables: Well chosen vegetables can add flavour to your picnic. Take along tomatoes, onions and carrots. Don't forget salads.

Drinks: Good drinks should accompany romantic picnics. You can either have alcoholic or none-alcoholic drinks. Alcoholic drinks include champagne, wine, beer. Take these if you won't be driving. If you would be driving, it's better to take none-alcoholic drinks. These include fruit juices (apple juice, pineapple juice, banana juice, strawberries, orange juice. etc), ice tea.

We hope this information was useful. Happy picnicking!

You are Reading our romantic picnic food ideas.
Visit this website for more romantic ideas.

Related links
What is a picnic?
Romantic Picnic Ideas
Romantic Picnic Spots
Romantic Picnic Basket Ideas 

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  1. Very nice article. I love the way it is written and the amount of information it provides. Please, keep up.

  2. This blog is full of misspellings and a few bad ideas. I was looking for something original and found mostly similar ideas to other sites with some additional poor ideas (salads on a picnic? too much stuff to bring to go with it and not at all romantic). Also, onions on a romantic picnic would be a very bad idea. Nice try but maybe try harder.

  3. Hello Really great Ideas for a Romantic Picnic. Your picnic food ideas are really great. I am sure that your readers will be benefited with your blog. I cam here while doing research about picnic ideas for my new blog post Romantic Picnic Ideas, and your post helped me to create my article. Thank you.


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