
Friday 8 July 2016

Just After Our Engagement

Just After Our Engagement is a short Romantic Love Story with Setting in London West End
Writer: Author Zigo

Just After Our Engagement
''Don't call my name any more, you little bastard! I told you not to come near my door again, after what you did to me. ALL MEN ARE THE SAME! Cheating Bastards! I was so stupid to think you're different. Go away; carry your DIRTY ASS away from my door!''

''Chelsea, dearest Chelsea, wait. Listen to me...'' I pleaded again, as Chelsea tried to lock her door.

''Go away!''

The way she banged the door left me speechless and worried. Her words were very touching. This was unlike Chelsea- my Chelsea. No, not the Chelsea I knew just a few weeks back. Chelsea would never kill a fly- She would never deliberately step on an ant.

But what did I expect? When pushed to the wall, everyone would portray disturbing character threads. I'd pushed her out of her comfort zone. I'd cheated on her, just after our engagement!

I knocked at her door again and again.

''Chelsea please, let me in. Let's talk about this.''

''Don't you get it? Don't you understand simple English anymore? It's over between us. Over! Finshed! Finis. Finito. Comprendre? Go away and never bother me again.'' she shouted.

I waited for a long time. I was going mad. Could I live without her? Just the mere thought of that scared me.

Finally I shouted.

''Ok, Chelsea. I'll do what you want. That's because I love you. And I want you to know that I'll always do. Now, I will carry my dirty ass away from your door!''

I waited for her to say something. She didn't.

''If you need me, you know where to find me.'' I said.

I dropped the bouquet of red roses I'd bought for her. I turned away from her door. My steps were heavy. I walked down the stairs and emerged into the street below.

Chelsea lived opposite Holland Park Tube Station, in London. I waited by the roadside until the heavy traffic cleared, then I crossed to the Station. There, I used the elevator down to the London Underground. A train roared passed on the Central Line, towards the opposite direction.

I waited another three minutes for my train to arrive. I dashed into it when it did, and flung myself on an empty seat.

I had only one destination in mind. That was London Bridge. That was where Chelsea and I first had a physical contact, after we connected on face book, the ALMIGHTY social platform.

There, at London Bridge, I will be at peace with myself.

I left the train at Tottenham Court Road Tube Station, and walked to the Southern Line. I took another train towards London Bridge.

It was a bright and beautiful Saturday evening, in the month of July- the very heart of summer. The sun was overhead, and its rays shimmered on the River Thames. There was beauty everywhere.

Thousands of people in bright, colourful dresses were gravitating on London Bridge, along the banks of the River Thames and on Tower Bridge, just a few metres downstream. The City of London stood spectacularly across the River, on the other side of the banks.

I walked to the middle of London Bridge. I supported myself on the side balcony and starred into the glittering waters of the River.

This is where I'd proposed to Chelsea. This is where I'd asked her to spend the rest of her life with me...

When we first met on face book, it had started like a joke.

''You look great,'' she'd complimented.

''Thanks. And you look marvellous, yes, perfect.'' I'd replied.

We'd chatted almost every day for the entire month. Then we'd decided to take our relationship to the next level- to meet physically. Chelsea had invited me to Holland Park, and had taken me to the park itself, one of London's most romantic parks.

I must confess, when I first set my eyes on Chelsea in real life, the adrenal glands in my body had triggered something I'd been unable to explain till this day. My adrenaline quadrupled, and produced an instant, genuine emotional attachment for her. Henceforth, we were inseparable, until a month ago, when she decided to travel to Rome for a few days' vacation, and I was unable to accompany her.

I'd arranged to give her an engagement ring the afternoon she was to take off. I'd brought her here, to this spot on London Bridge. Then I'd gone down on my knees and proposed. The moment I'd done so, everyone with a camera on the briddge had directed it at us! It was a top romantic marriage proposal story.

And when I'd left Chelsea off at the airport that evening, I'd turned my back and ruined everything. I'd done something Terrible, with a girl named Sabina Chaos!

Sabina Chaos!

I was so excited that evening, when I left my lovely Chelsea, so much so that I decided to go to a Night Club in London's West End. I didn't have a difficulty locating a club from a string of Night Clubs found there.

The first person I saw when I showed up at the night club was Sabina. She was standing at the entrance of the club, like a guard. She was tall. Her long and wild hair fell beautifully on her shoulders.

She wore a miniskirt, and her blouse was transparent, and revealed her large boobs, which were not protected by a bra! Her eyes were white and charming, and moved about like that of a mouse, ready for some mischief. She wore gold earrings and was in high-heel, which made her a few inches taller. She was beautiful. She was charming. She was unique. She was the girl guys would go for!

When I looked at her for a second time, our eyes met. Then she smiled. I felt my heart melting into a million pieces of happiness, as a result of her contagious smile. Ideas filled my memory. In my mind's eyes, I saw her in my arms, her gentle, soft, sweet caress on my body, my hands on her shoulders as we walked alone in the splendour of magnificent landscapes! I was dreaming!

Wasn't she the ideal type? Wasn't she the type of girl every ambitious guy would go for? Then unthinkably, unexpectedly, she walked towards me.

''Wanna dance?'' she asked me.

I wasn't the dancing type. I hardly entered a club, had just showed up at the night club because I thought I was lonely, because Chelsea was absent.

''Yeah'' I accepted.

Without any hesitation, she 'pulled' me into the busy, booming embrace of the magnificent dancing hall.

She wrapped her hands on my shoulders and pulled me closer. Ha, she was driving me to madness! I felt her electrifying touch. I scented her sweet perfume. I felt the comforting glare of her charming eyes. She pulled me closer again and I buried, or thought I buried the troubles of the real world between her large breasts!

And although I wasn't the dancing type, I was enjoying every moment of it. Slowly, only slowly, I thought I should take control of the situation. Before I did, the emotional music came to an end.

'' Wanna Chat?'' She asked.

''Yea'' I answered, longing for a private moment with this girl.

Again, she 'pulled' me out of the dancing hall. A few seconds afterward we were walking at Trafalgar Square. We were not alone, but it appeared almost everyone out there was there for some kind of mischief. Sabina pulled me to a quiet and darker corner.

''You look good. You look like candy. I know you know I want you. How would you want it done?'' she asked.

Before I answered, she planted a warm kiss on my lips. Her hands moved, fumbled with my shirt's buttons, then I felt her naked chest on my body... It was too fast...too fast...a little too fast...!

...And as fate would have it, it turned out Sabina knew Chelsea, and Chelsea had found out about the fling...

As I stood there on London Bridge, I remembered all these and how Chelsea had interrogated me for the truth.

I didn't know how to lie. If I did, I should have lied my way out. And now, I'd lost Chelsea. She'd avoided me for a month and was calling me names, such as DIRTY ASS!

If I'd just lost Chelsea, then I'd just lost the one most important person in my life - a woman who did not only have a physical beauty, but whose inner beauty could not be matched. She was perfectly designed.

I looked down into the River Thames again. Two ships were cruising in the river.

I watched as two birds flew playfully from one side of the banks to the other. Two birds - flying playfully above the river's surface!

I turned around and saw a man and a woman just passing by, hand in hand, grinding as much as they could.

And it dawned on me how lonely I was. I sighed and started walking off towards the Southwark part of the river's bank, wondering if Chelsea would come...

Someone called my name. It was a familiar voice. It was Chelsea's. I turned and saw her running towards me.

''Chelsea! Oh, my Chelsea! I was afraid I will lose you. I am glad you came.'' I said, as she ran into my arms.

''You did't have to. I promised to be by your side no matter what happened.''

''Have you forgiven me?''

''Yes, I have. I talked to Sabina and she said it was her making. Men find it hard to say no to her. Sabina Chaos! But you must promise this will never happen again.''

''I promise. You didn't tell me about Sabina CHAOS.''

''Well, we were no longer close. We used to be great friends. Danny, one reason I came down here was that I told you to carry your DIRTY ASS away from my door! I didn't mean it.''

''I know you didn't mean it...''

''And, last time you told me my bottom's big- did you mean it?''

''No I didn't but was that why you started going to the gym?'' I asked and smiled. ''I love you just the way you are, Ches. What will you like to do right now?'' I asked, as I held her hand and we started moving off.

''I'll like a warm bath, or massage, with fragrances and candles and champagne. I'll like an evening with you. It's been so long.''

''Come on, I'll grant you your heart desires, I said, as we disappeared into the crowd traversing London Bridge.

And as we mingled through, I promised myself I'll never make a mistake such as the one I made, just after our engagement.

Copy Right Reserved Author Zigo, 2011

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