
Friday 8 July 2016

Until Max Came Along

Until Max Came Along is a short love story by Author Zigo

Author Zigo
Grand Dad's best quote was one by Gosiah G Holland. It read: 

''The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart.''

I never really understood him until I met Bettina. When I met her I knew about this precious possession. 

When I met her, I knew I had a precious possession. I had Bettina- her heart. I had it until Max came along. And when he did, I understood what our earth can become, when that precious possession no longer belongs to us. 

I lost it. And have been looking forward to have it again. That's why I came to this busy restaurant in the heart of Stockholm, on a very cold, cold night

Bettina was at the restaurant. With her friend Chimney. Chimney! I didn't really like Chimney. I had never liked her. Every time I thought of her, only two words- a phrase, actually, came to my mind: ''Bad Influence''

Chimney was not her name. It was a nickname one of my friends had given her because of her smoking habit. If you wanted to see what smoke looked like, you didn't have to look further away from her head! 

She had a big mouth. Not big as in ''BIG'' and there was always a cigarette in that mouth. I didn't like her hanging out with my wife. Alas, how was I going to stop my wife when she'd already left me?

I watched them as they girlishly chatted and giggled. Why did Bettina have to look so great - so happy, while I looked so sad and sick of love - my love for her -my inability to win back her heart? Why did she look so happy when our wonderful marriage had been flushed down the drain? 

Almost six months had gone by since Bett and I separated. All efforts to get her back had gone in vain. But I didn't give up trying. There's a saying that ''never say never.'' I knew how much I loved her and I was never going to stop persuing her.
As I sat there, as I prepared to approach her another time, I had a flash back of the events that resulted to our present predicament.

Our problems started on a Saturday afternoon, in the month of July, right in the heart of summer. We'd spent an entire day criss-crossing the beautiful city of Stockholm, and were about to return home when our son, Arvid asked a surprising question:

''Dad, Dad, someone's kissing mum! Who's he?''
I turned around and saw a man I didn't know kissing my wife Bett, in an intimate way.

At first I decided to match to the scene, and pull them apart in the most ungentleman-like mannner. I was about to embark on this when the kissing stop and they started to beam at each other in a way that made me most uncomfortable. 

Disappointed and jealoused, my next action was to match there and do something nasty- like punch the guy on the face (the last time I did that I broke a guy's jaw bone and invited the Swedish Police and even threatened to break down my marriage).

Again, I was almost about to do this when common sense prevailed. I turned towards Arvid.

''Arvid, look after your kid brother, please.'' 

Arvid nodded. I composed myself and walked over to the scene of the incident. 

''Hey Sweetie,'' Bett beamed, ''meet Max, my former boy friend. I've told you much about him. Max, this is Danny, my husband.''

''Your what?''

''Her husband and you heard her well. And may I sir, advise you to stay away from her. I also want you to know that I didn't like the kiss.''

''What are you going to do about it, Mr What-ever-you-call-yourself? Betty was mine - we have a history. It's that kind of history that will repeat itself. Won't it, Betty?''

''What are you trying to insinuate?''

''You are matured enough to understand what I am trying to say.''

I'd never met Max before. Bett had told me about him. My animosity for him far back to the time I first met Bett, when she was still mad about what he did to her.
I'd wanted to punch him a long time ago. And as I stood there, I couldn't resist a desire to direct that punch at him. I punched hard - so hard that blood immediately started oozing from his nostrils. I had never felt so cool as I did after the punch.

Max was not the kind of man who would get the police involved. As he tried to stop the blood ozing from his nostrils, I decided to quit.

''Come on, Bett, let's go home.'' Bett didn't answer and didn't feel pleased at all. I returned to Arvid and Olle. Arvid made a sign to tell me he was pleased.
Bett didn't say a word until we arrived home. 

''You didn't have to intervene the way you did, Mr! You didn't have to punch him. You didn't have to punch him that hard. For God's sake, what were you thinking about? You surely broke his jaw bone!'' Bett's tone was harsh.

''It served him right.'' I told her.

''You are kidding! We were lovers long before you came along.''

''What do you mean, Bett?''

''For God's sake, I haven't met him for five long years.''

''What do you mean, Bett?''

''Max is Arvid's dad, don't ever forget that.''

''What do you mean?''

''stop it. Just stop it. Will you?''

''He came along before I did. You haven't met him for five long years. He is Arvid's dad. All these gave you the audacity to kiss him in public?''
''It didn't mean anything...''

''It meant everything to me, Bett. Suppose you saw me kissing my former girl friend in such an intimate way. Let me advice you Bett. When you are married, you don't do any such thing like kiss a former boyfriend the way you did. I don't care how long you both have been separated. And Max isn't Arvid's Dad. He told you to abort him. He abandonned you. He forfeited his right of fatherhood. I am officially Arvid's Dad. Don't you forget that.''

''You know what? I am not going to sit here and hear you barbling. I will not hear anymore of your stupidity!''

''Stupidity? Well, call it whatever you want. I will advice you again: Don't let Max come between us. We are happy Bett. We have a wonderful marriage. We have been very happy.''

''Not anymore. You are despicable! You just broke a man's jaw bone and are not even remorseful. The last time you did this, I warned you. I warned you if you do it again it will be over between us!''


''Don't Betty me! Arvid, come on. We have to go.''

''Where are you going?''

''To meet Max. To tell him he has a son. That's what I was going to tell him when you interupted and broke his jaw bone.''

''What about Olle?''

''What about him? He is a hundred percent yours! You both will just be fine.''
''You don't mean it Bettina.''

''Oh, watch me!''

I was speechless. For a moment, I thought she was joking. When she banged the door downstairs, I walked to the balcony and watched her as she nearly dragged Arvid towards her car. 

''Hey Bett, the only reason I am letting you go is because I love you. There is a saying that if you love someone, let her go. If she comes back, she was meant to be yours. I know you love me. I know you will return.'' I shouted.

''You are entitled to your opinion.'' She shouted back, pulled behind the steering and drove off as fast as she could.

That was six months ago. Six lonely months. Six months of looking after Olle. Six months of trying to get her back

I first met Bettina six years ago. That was in the summer of 2006, at The Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm. 

I had spent almost a year in Stockholm, without a girl friend. Many of the girls I'd met did not really interest me, because of their smoking habits. I was allegic to cigarettes. But when I set my eyes on Bettina, I knew she was the right person for me. 

They say love's not love, when it's characterised by conditions. When I saw her, I knew she was the right one for me, whether she smoked or not. 

Her image lingered in my mind for weeks. I was filled with an insatiable desire to meet and chat with her. 

An opportunity presented itself when I saw her on a Friday afternoon, sitting in front of the school's Info Center. It was a sunny afternoon and she was having a wonderful time under the sun, alone. I approached her.

''Hej, do you have a cigarette to spare?'' I asked her.

''Sorry I don't. I don't smoke.''

''Cool. My name's Danny. Can I sit?''

''Of course.''

''What's your name?''


''Nice name.'' Bett, Betty, well, I'll call you Bett. I bet no one has ever called you Bett. Bett, what do you study?''

''Media Management.''

She didn't look happy

''You don't look happy, Bett, vad hander? What's going on? Is it me?''

''No. I am fine.''

''Nice to know. Why don't you smoke? Most of your friends do?''

''My friends? You know my friends? I don't even know you. Have you been following me?''

''Yes.'' I admitted straight away.


''Because ever since I saw you, I've felt this craving for you. This craving to reach out and touch you. This craving to reach out and kiss you. This craving to embrace you. This craving to walk by your side, where ever you go. I have been here for almost a year. I've never asked a girl out. If I ask you out now, know that you are special - very special. I don't fall in love easily. And when I do I go all the way.''

''You want me to be your girl friend?''




''Yes fine.''


''But let me get your number.I'll call you. If I don't call you, it means I turned down your offer.'' I gave her my number.

''What's yours?''

''Unfortunately, you won't be able to call me.'' She rose, shook my hand and disappeared. And that was the last time I saw her for a long time.

I waited for her call. It didn't come. Not until two months later. She asked me to meet her in Drottninggatan, not far away from the Stockholm Central Station.
I'd hardly seated infront of her when she broke the news.

''I am pregnant.''

I was disappointed but I tried as much as I could not to show it.

''Congratulations,'' I told her.

''Aren't you disappointed?''

''No. I am happy for you,'' I lied. She smiled. The waitrress came and we made our orders.

''Did you mean what you said?''


''About your feelings for me.


''Do you still love me?''

''Of course. I will always love you.''

''My boyfriend, Max, who made me pregnant, told me to abort the baby.''


''I refused.''


''He left me. He disappeared.''

''Just like that?''

''Just like that. I've been thinking. If my being pregnant with another man's baby is not a problem to you...''

''It's not, Bett.''

''So, you still want me?''

''More than you think I do.''

Bettina and I got married four months later and remained married until Max came along, again.

I was still thinking when Bett and her friend left the restaurant. I dashed out myself.

''Bett, Bett, can we have a little chat?'' She stopped and looked at me.

''Where are you popping out from? You've been following me, again.''

''Yes, I have. And I apologise. But we have to talk, ok?''

''Not today. We have somewhere to go.Bett, come on, we are getting late,'' Chimney said, as she lit a cigarette.

'' Mind your business, Chimney. This doesn't concern you.'' I snapped.

''Who here is called Chimney?'' Chimney said and looked around. She didn't even know Chimney was her nick-name. Bettina started laughing.

''Bett, this is the last time I'll follow you again. Tell me you don't want to talk to me. Tell me you don't love me anymore. Tell me you don't ever want to see me again and I will walk out of your life, for good.

''It's cold, girl friend. Let's be on our way!'' It was Chimney again.

''Please, Carina, give me a few minutes. Wait in the car,'' she told her friend.

''Thank you, Bett.''

''But it's really cold. We have to be quick.''

''Then lets talk in the car. My car is just around the corner, please.''

We walked to my car. When I opened the door and shuffled her into the car, she froze. There was a Teddy Bear on the front seat. There was a message on it. It read. ''To mum: Please mum, come home. From Olle.''

''He wants you to come home. Don't think he doesn't miss you. Don't think we don't miss you. We do.''

''You made him to do this, right?''

''It was his idea. Not mine. But we all want you to come home.''

''So you can hurt my feelings again.''

''I didn't hurt your feelings, Bett. You were the one who made me mad. You kissed Max, in public, in an intimate way. I was jealous. I was jealous because I love you. If I didn't, it shouldn't have bothered me.''

''It was just a kiss.''

''I didn't receive it that way.''

''You see Danny, when I threatened to quit - when I was quitting, you didn't even make an effort to stop me. Instead you made stupid comments about going for a STD test when I returned. I was so hurt.''

''I was seriously hurt, too, when I tried to advice you about the marriage and you said it was stupidity.''

''But you were...''

''Bett, please, we've both made our mistakes. I'll admit mine. And I am deeply sorry. Can we all keep our pride aside and agree. Can we all put everything behind us and start again? We had a wonderful time. 

Every passing day, I reminded myself of those beautiful walks along the parks, the warm burble baths we took, the romantic evening dinners. 

Every day I remember those warm kisses between us, your majic hands on me, the laughter we shared and those silly moments we had with the kids. I remember the romantic meals we ate, both at home and outdoors. The list is endless. And I miss them all

And you cannot tell me you don't miss them, too. Come on Bett. We made a vow. Till death do us part. But it's not only the vow, it's about the the wonderful time we were having. And I want that to continue. What about you?''
Bett looked into my eyes. At last she spoke:
''Me too!'' she said.

''You mean it?''

''Yes, I do. You won't believe how lonely I've been. I've wanted so badly to return home, Danny. You know that two-word phrase you always told me about?''

''Bad Influence?''

''Yes, bad influence. But I don't want to blame it completely on that. I'd like to blame myself...''

''Come on, sweetie. No regrets.'' I drew her closer. My words were already becoming superfluous. So I needed to step in with a kiss. And kissing Bett was an exciting adventure - a wonderful adventure into a dreamland. The kiss was long, intensive, sweet and reminded me of what my wife and I had missed.

''Bett, let's go home, right now.''

''What about my friend?''

''Forget about her. She's a big girl. But we have to go home. Right away. You know what I have in mind?''

''I bet I do.'' Bett said. 

I started the car and sped off. I wanted to ask her about Max, but I didn't. I knew she would tell me everything, another time.

All I wanted was to get home soon. 

Copyright 2011 Author Zigo

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