
Sunday 10 July 2016

How do I know a man has fallen in love with me?

by Author Zigo
How do I know a man has fallen in love with me? This is a question many girls and women ask these days. I have noted that sometimes, love can be very difficult to recognise. If you are not aware of the signs, it can be very difficult to differentiate it from what it is not.

Many girls and women do not always find it easy distinguishing whether a man is in love with them or not. Often, they turn to their friends for advice, and their friends in turn give them wrong answers.

Many women will like to recognise and attain love in a relationship and it is easier than you think to uncover the true feelings of a man.

Are you one of those who’ve fallen in love and are worried your partner does not love you? Are you one of those who ask '' How do I know a man has fallen in love with me?'' Here are the signs you should look for to ascertain if a man is in love with you.

1.If He Calls You and Visits You. If he calls you often and visits you often, know that he is telling you he cannot live without you. This also includes calling you very late at night.

2.If He Wants to Spend Every Day With You If he spends more time with you than he use to do, know that he is in love.

3.If He Becomes Very Generous. Take a hint from the gifts he brings to you. He becomes very generous and gifts are a way of telling you, without necessarily using words, that you mean a lot to him and that he loves you.

4.If He is Happy. Love has a euphoric effect on anyone. When you realise your guy has become happier when he is with you, know that he is in love. He will smile, laugh, joke, and play games (good ones, of course) with you.

5.If He Pays Closer Attention to You If he pays closer attention to you, if he is being super thoughtful about you and always ready to listen to you, know that he is in love.

6.If He Introduces You to His Family and Friends. If he does this, know that he trusts you and wants the relationship to go a step further.

7.If he Looks into Your Eyes. Does he look into your eyes? If he does, know it is a way of telling you something different and what else can it be if it is not love?

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