
Sunday 10 July 2016

How do I know She is in Love With Me?

How do I know She is in Love With Me?

By Author Zigo
Many boys and even men ask the question ''how do I know she is in love with me?'' or ''what are the signs that a girl is in love with me? Yes, many men miss it! They may not realise it when a woman finally falls in love with them.

This is because they find it difficult to differentiate between 'like' 'love' and even infatuation. So, is she in love with you or does she simply likes you?

When you get mixed–up signals, don't worry. As a man, you should be able to know how to read her feelings and or body language. If you don’t, things may start to fall apart. However things turn out to be, say goodbye to the days you had to sit for hours speculating if a girl is in love with you or not.

We have done the research for you. We went out and asked girls this question: What are the signs that a girl is in love with a man? We have summarised their responses below.

1. She is Happier Being Around You: love has a euphoric effect on everyone. It will have a euphoric effect on her too. She will be happier when she finally falls in love with you.

2. She Becomes Prettier Than Before: A girl who is in love with you will take her time to make herself very pretty - just for you. Of course, that’s a rule of attraction. If you want to attract, you must make yourself prettier. Smart girls are using this to get the men they want. So, watch out for this powerful sign.

3. She is very communicative: She will talk and talk and would like to initiate or sustain a communication with you. The girl who has fallen in love with you will ensure to sustain a positive communication. She will do her best to ensure the conversation keeps flowing.

3. She is Always Available: A girl who loves you will do everything she can to be by your side. She will forgo other important things just to make herself available. So, don’t be surprised if she says, yes and yes every time you ask her to do you a favour. She will say yes, even before she knows what you want her to do.

4. She is Fun to be With: The girl who has fallen in love with you will never get tired of you and will not run out
of things to do to make you happy.

          It should be noted that some girls show all of these characteristics while others show just one or two. But if you are vigilant and can read her body language, you will know if she is in love with you or not.

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