
Sunday 10 July 2016

What should I do if I am in Love With a Married Man?

A young woman asked the question: ''What should I do if I am in Love With a Married Man?''

 She added: ''Now she is pregnant with their child! But I love him. He says he does not love his wife and would abandon her for me. I love him so much that I want to wait for him. He is only a GENTLEMAN who has two women simultaneously. But he assured me it's only me he wants. I am confused. I don't know what to do. What should I do?''

Added by Author Zigo

Answer:  It was a pleasure reading from you. Yes, because although a million of young women go through such circumstances, only a few actually seek help.

Your question deserves a good answer, as millions of people will benefit because of you.

Love can cause us to do a lot of silly and bad things. Most often, we are unable to control our feelings when love is concerned.

Love can cause us to escape from home, abandoning our parents and closest families. It can make us to want to kill, or want to commit suicide (many people have gone down that road).

Love is blind. That is why we do not see it when we are headed to a valley of doom. That is why you don’t see it as abnormal when your guy loves two women simultaneously. That is why you still love him and in a relationship with him even though he is married and his wife is pregnant for his baby.

Dearest, do understand that men will tell you only what you want to hear. Unfortunately, most women take what they say as the gospel truth.

They tell you 'one day, someday, they will leave their wife or will leave them when the right time comes.' When is the right time? That time will never come because, within them, they know the odds are against them leaving their wives and children for another woman.

They will not have anything to lose with you, and everything to lose if they leave their wife and children.

If your guy truly loves you, as he boasts, he would have done so already. He is just telling you that to get 'into you.' And what he tells you is the same old story men have used for ages to get women into bed.

I will like you to reflect on a few questions: Have you put yourself into the other woman's shoe?
What kind of picture did you see? Would you be pleased if a man who has married and made you pregnant turns around and say he does not love you? Do you think a gentleman, as you say your man is, should have two women simultaneously? Have you ever realised that men who cheat keep doing so and the same thing may happen to you?

Reflect on these questions. When you do, you will realise what your inner voice is telling you: that something is wrong in this relationship. So, what can I suggest that you do?


Move on with your life and if ending the relationship gives you some headache, there are a number of things you can do to heal. One is
focusing on your life apart from him. This means getting busy. Get occupied and forget him.

Also, there are peer support groups. Join a confidential community support group. If your problem is serious, seek professional counselling, but you don’t have to go as far as that. You may also consider joining a prayer group.

Also bury yourself in relevant literature, like this one.

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